Psychedelic Studies and Clinical Trials.
Psilocybin and other Psychedelics like LSD, Mescaline, and Di-Methyl-Tryptamine have actually been the subject of academic research and study for almost 70 years, albeit with a 30 year hiatus from 1970 to around the year 2000. From the discovery of LSD in 1935 by Albert Hofmann, the scientific community (along with various governments & government agencies) were keenly interested in the potential of psychoactive substances for a variety of reasons.
Doctors and Therapists throughout the 1950's and 1960's noted in these substances the ability to elicit meaningful and transformative experiences with long lasting positive effects on their patients. There were several studies which occurred during the 1950s and 60s, and this early research showed immense promise for the use of psychedelics as a treatment method for addiction and alcoholism. Unfortunately the study of these substances was abruptly halted when most psychedelics were declared illegal in 1970 by the Controlled Substances Act. It was not until 1997 when the first post-drug-war Psilocybin study was conducted by a team of researchers at the University of Zurich.
This image shows the lapse in research and study from 1970-1997
This University of Zurich study, led by Dr. Franz Vollenweider, explored whether brain function under the influence of psilocybin was consistent with the brain function of chronic schizophrenia patients, finding that these brain states were significantly contrasted. They also found that psilocybin increased cerebral glucose metabolism (in layman's terms brain activity) in many areas, had dampening effects on the ego-influenced Default Mode Network, and stimulated increased neurogenesis (the creation of new brain cells).
Studies and early-phase clinical trials already concluded at John Hopkins University, The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), The Beckley Foundation, Yale, Stanford, Berkeley, New York University, and more have shown Psychedelics to be both safe and efficient in treating a host of psychological conditions. Some of these conditions include depression, addiction, anxiety, OCD, PTSD, and eating disorders.
In the decades since the turn of the century public attitude has also positively shifted towards the unfettered and open-minded research of psilocybin. Now, in the 2020s, governing bodies are beginning to follow suit. The FDA (Federal Drug Administration) has designated psilocybin a breakthrough therapy for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), and Health Canada has granted several licenses to private and public companies in order to study psychedelics, most prominently psilocybin.
Over a dozen accredited institutions, a few of which include Harvard, Stanford, Yale, The Usona Institute, The Heffter Institute, Johns Hopkins University, and the University of Toronto are in the process of clinical trials/studies to determine the potential of psilocybin as a therapeutic aid, and there is a mountain of anecdotal evidence that cannot be discounted any longer.
Each year the number of studies/trials corroborating the benefits of psychedelics grows exponentially.
Some of the claims made regarding psilocybin and its capability to treat a variety of conditions on a long term basis, with low frequency of dosage, may seem exaggerated or outlandish. However they are backed by a body of credible research that is constantly expanding.
We have curated a collection of the most relevant studies specific to Psilocybin below.
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